Laminated glass
Optimal management for the laminated glass with two (or three) components of the same materials if done in the Glassmaker company.
When you have two glasses of the same family to be laminated it’s important in order to get the best quality, to optimize them based on their position. In particular, they must have the same direction and, even if they are in two separate sheet, the same Y value, otherwise the glasses will not get paired well, or al least they shouldn’t be in the horizontal portion at the sheet’s edge.
Perfect Cut guarantees, by a parameter in the configuration, the fulfillment of these conditions.
Let Perfect Cut handle it
One way to solve this is to put the glasses to be laminated with two (three in case of triple glass) repetitions of the same scheme, so the glasses in one layout are paired with the following scheme, until the waste is below the minum limit set in Configuration – Processing, parameter “Max waste for multiple laminated management”.
Another way is to insert horizontal transversals, in which the laminated glasses are multiple of 2 (or 3 for triple glass).
The third way is to keep the glasses to be laminated away from the sheet’s edge, where the curvature is higher and it will be more visible on the final laminated glass. By setting two values, one being the lower Y in which the glass to be laminated shouldn’t be positioned if the second one doesn’t have the same Y value and the second being the minimum distance of the pieces from the sheet’s edge (in Y).
Attached images of the three schemes with Float 4 pieces with code 1,2,3 to be laminated, and a single glass with code 4.