Basso Emissivo
Roller management for low emission
Perfect Cut offers great flexibility the low emission grinder. There are many configurable parameters depending on the type of tool (disk, candle, laser) and many possibilities to define the coating removal mode.
Machines for monolithic material
For the low-e grinder, some machines use a laser system, some others a disk and some others a “candle” tool.
The grinder has an impact surface (the diameter of the laser beam or of the “candle”, the width of the disk or tangential grinder) that determinates the part of the glass being “removed”.
If you define W the removal width and you want to pass the grinder inside a piece, the head should pass to W / 2 on each side. For the “candle” grinder you have also to consider the offset (X and Y) based on its inclination.
On Perfect Cut for each piece it is possible to define the structural removal to apply on each side (“Elimination” column on each piece row), also in a different measure between each other, for example by setting the distance from edges following the order top-right-bottom-left.
Regards “structural” pieces we have to remove the low emission inside the piece, in a certain distance from each piece edge. In this case more treatments are needed to complete the removal.
For example, if we have to remove 60 mm from the left side of a 1000 mm piece, with a grinder of 20 mm, we have do three vertical steps, respectively at 50,30,10 mm from the edge.
Apart from these characterization, for every layout is provided a “step” for the grinder and the next one for the real cutting.
On the family it must be set “Low Emission”, otherwise it won’t generate the instructions for the low-e grinder.
Except for the “gaps”, usually the starting and ending point of the grinding coincide to the cut, which can be defined as standard or as exception for those lines which starts or ends on the sheet edge.
On Numerical Control configuration it is possible to set the mode for which we want to use the grinder:
- Passing on cutting lines
- Passing on pieces border, included the ones on sheet border
- Passing on cutting lines and on sheet border if it coincides with a piece border
- Passing on cutting lines, on pieces borders and also on tailings border
- Don’t pass the grinder (unless of structural pieces)
- It is also possible to set whether to pass the grinder only on shapes
It is also possible to set some parameters for the structural glass with more than one step:
- Delta following steps: for example, in case of 50 mm removal, it is possible to make sure that the first step covers the part near the cut (on 10 mm in order to cover the 20 mm like the tool width), in order to make following steps so that these are overlapped on size of the delta. For example if the delta is defined 2 mm, it will make steps on 28, 40 mm up to cover the 50 mm.
- Defined removal on cut: it is possible to set if the removal on cutting line as standard it is not equals to the tool width. For example if you want a 24 mm removal on cut (12 mm from one side and 12 mm from the other), the gringer (e.g. 20 mm) have to pass once on the cut and another times at 2 mm from it, to cover the desired 12 mm
- Horizontal – vertical pass recoating: the horizontal pass starts from the end of the left pass and ends at the beginning of the right pass. It is possible to insert a recoating delta here. For example, if the vertical pass on the left and on the right are of 40 mm, with “recoating” of 2, the horizontal pass starts at 38 mm from left side and ends at 38 mm before the piece right side’s end.
- Monodirectional steps: if this parameter is set, the following steps to cover the defined removal in the piece (for example for 50 mm the removal at 10, 30, 40 mm) must have the same direction. The order of the internal steps will be rigidly: top, bottom, left, right. The possibly internal steps direction (one if it’s not a complete removal) is determinated by the cutting line which the steps are parallel to.
Machines for laminated material
It is possible to manage the grinding for laminated material with the usage of monolithic machine in “combined mode”, that does only the grinding on it without doing any cut.
It is possible to manage also the grinding separately for each transversal, so that the monolithic machine performs the grindind on transversal one by one and each one goes to laminated machine for the cutting. This determinates a greater coincidence of the grinding line with the cutting line.
In case of low emission made by the laminated machine, the grinding can be done togheter the cut. For the pieces that are on the sheet edge, the edged that are not to be cut can be grinded in different ways:
- Grinding on sheet edges (eventually in combined with the monolithic machine)
- Grinding with X = zero at beginning of the sheet and Y = zero for each transversal
- Post grinding, which is the grinding on each “finished” piece (it can be allowed or not the matching quota on zero)
These ways usually depends on machine’s numerical control.