New features of Perfect Cut Release 6.3 Service Pack 6
Shape management
When a shape is imported it is now possible to define the unit of measurement of the methods listed in the import string and the DXF files to be imported.
n = 0 –> Millimeters
n = 1 –> Inches
Interaction with Perfect Stat
On the layout print it is now possible to enable the printing of an identification barcode.
This barcode is read by Perfect Stat Monitor to define start / pause / restart / end of the cutting of the layout.

Macotec Numerical Control
For Sipro M32 monolithic we have now the management of the automatic decomposition of layouts based on the transversal cuts.
Perfect NC can now display and interact with the project derived from the original one, which contains the decomposed layouts that kept relations with the original one.
GSUN Code Visualization
It is now possible to enable a new visualization rule for the codes of the pieces in the RO layouts in order to make it congruent with the ones generated by the GSUN numerical control.
Label – NC Intermac Syncronism
In the description of a piece it is now possible to define a position of the label different from the default one from configuration, useful in particular in case the piece contains shape with some entities in the configuration position.
n = quadrant
1 = Xleft Ytop | 2=XCenter Ytop | 3=XRight YTop
4 = Xleft YCenter | 5=XCenter YCenter | 6=XRight YCenter
7 = Xleft YBottom | 8=XCenter YBottom | 9=XRight YBottom
Excel Import/Export
The import/export of Excel .xls files now uses a new driver by RO, because the old drivers provided by Windows are not working anymore in the latest Windows updates.
File Import
The import of Lisec files now supports the UTF-8 charset, in case some non-ASCII characters are used in the file.
A new type of key SENTINEL is now usable, as an alternative to the already supported ones.