Perfect Cut
The best cut optimizer
It’s the main software of Perfect Suite which deals with glass cut optimization, reducing the raw material usage and processing time. It has been developed an optimization algorithm for cutting path based on recents operations research techniques that allows minimum usage of machine time.
Smart savings
The package is able to efficiently resolve squared cut pieces problems from raw sheets with squared shape too.
The aim is obviously to minimize overall scrap which is the used raw area.
This software is characterised by an accurate research on all saving possibilities of raw materials, not only based on pieces arrangement algorithm (one of the best in the world according to many tests done by Customers): less used sheets, reduction of time spent by qualified and experienced workers on problem’s solving and human and machine time reduction used on sectioning operations.
A complete product
The program handle shaped glass, the low emission removal, the low-e with TPF removal, laminated glass, insulating glass, structural glass and it’s able to read lying data from automatic stock.
The configurability of the program is high and it’s possible to modify parameters as you want in order to check optimization priorities and timings, the displayed information of sheets, pieces and cutting path.
Freedom of utilization
With the features offered by Perfect Editor, integrated module of Perfect Cut, the layouts given by optimizer can be manually modified with total freedom. This function results particulary useful to modify and/or to complete the last layout.
It has been dedicated particulary care for the manage of the last sheet: it’s possible to insert new pieces or to move the used ones in a new project and insert pieces to standard orders.
Some highlights
- Simple, intuitive and fast interface
- Simple management of glass with multiple components (insulating and laminated glass)
- Possibility to use a tollerance on dimensions (sometimes even one tenth of millimeter of tollerance allows to save a lot of material!)
- In case of well trimmed raw sheets, allow to place the pieces exactly up to border without trimming on the right and on the top of the sheet edge
- Possibility to use a band with width equals to the minimum Z cut to bypass the minimum distance restriction but still allowing to break the glass
- Optimized reusable tailings management, as the optimization consider not only the scrap but also the glass cost and the cutting execution time
Perfect Cut โ General features
- Work time and scrap minimization
- Interfacing to the most widespread Numerical Controls of cut tables with serial port or file
- Interfacing to bending machine (more or less a dozen interfacable machines)
- Ease of division
- Optimized cut lines for reusable tailings and division
- Optimized cutting path
- Ease of switch on different languages and unit of measurement
- Staggered glass management for structural glass walls
- Particular management of the last sheet.
- Data Import/Export from/to every management software
Perfect Cut โ Software Functions
- Optimization and optimization print on background (other operations can be executed at the same time)
- Glass cost calculation (depending on scrap) for estimation
- Powerful and easy usage graphic editor that allows to build a layout from the beginning or modify optimizer’s output, in particular to complete the last layout
- Integrated professional labels print
- Stock management (automathic discharge, tailings management)
- Possibility to operate in batch mode
- Large configurability
- Direct interface to shapes (SAX owner format, DXF standard format, parametrics), it can be activated directly from optimizer or management module, with the possibility to directly apply “methods” such as specularity, offset for grinding, border, advance on border, scale factor
- Integrated rack management
Perfect Cut โ Functional features
- The program is protected by an hardware USB key, also in local area network version
- Up to 5 active projects at the same time
- “Copy and Paste” function even between projects, particularly useful to remove the last sheet if it’s incomplete, and bring its pieces on a new project obtaining again a minimum scrap. Obviously in this new project we can add other pieces
- Tenth of millimeter or thousandths of an inch sizes
- Predefined grinding differentiable for each side
- Optimized management of tollerance on size
- Optimized management of borders (allows to arrive exactly on border in case of well trimmed sheet)
- Strip Z management to bypass the cut minimum distance restriction
- Settable and controlled elaboration time
- Possibility to introduce holes and simple squarings directly on piece
- Settable Postprocessor on family level (e.g. float cut in a machine and laminated cut in another)
- Multi configurable machine on the same postprocessor
- Standard pieces management
- Restricted cut direction management (for particular glasses such as cincillร )
- Pieces priority management
- Single or multiple layout print, up to 9 layouts on the same page
- Stock discharge, tailings charge on stock and a possibile memorization of cut project can be activated during the project sent to Numerical Control
- Description,customer, order, machining are displayed on layout
- Three note fields available for labels with 15 subfields each
- Innovations for the in-house laminated glass production
- Stock lying and reusable tailings management
- Possibility to set a different trim X and Y on every single layout, in order to make the change in case of sheet/tailing with “ruined” borders
Perfect Cut โ In depth information
The main characterising aspects are the ease usage of the program, the increase of speed of setting sizes to cut operations, the exploitation of tipical sequencing of operations, the adjustment to tipical standards of programming under Windows. All these features allows to users to save time.
Once that the optimization is done, all you need is a click to print the pojects data and processed layouts, to send layouts which needs to be cut to cutting table (more or less 80 different post processor) and eventually to bending machine, seal machines or line server, to send load lists to automatic stock.